Did you know that it is a crime for your employer to wrongfully pay you? When you go to work, it should be expected that you will be properly compensated for your time. There is a legal amount of minimum wage that your employee should be paying you, and if you work overtime, you should be properly compensated for it as well. If you find out that you aren’t being properly compensated, Stephan Zouras, LLC wants to make sure you recover the compensation you earned. In fact, it is possible to receive double the amount of your earned unpaid pages as well as interest on that amount. By bringing claims as a class action, you not only help yourself, but you take stand for all employees who were wrongly denied pay.
Established to keep employers from taking advantage of their employees, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires that all non-exempt employees receive federal minimum wage as well as 1.5 times the regular pay rate for all time worked in excess of 40 hours in any week.
Keep Records of Hours & Pay Rate
Under the FLSA, it is the sole responsibility of the employer to track, record and maintain complete and accurate pay and time records. An employer’s failure to comply with these strict requirements can make it easier for the employee to prove their case.
Stephan Zouras, LLC Can Help You Establish Your Case
To maximize your chance of winning your case, or if you need help determining whether you have grounds for a lawsuit, contact Stephan Zouras, LLC. Our lawyers have successfully fought for tens of thousands of individuals nationwide, and we will do whatever it takes to get you the compensation and peace of mind you deserve. As nationally-recognized leaders, we are well-versed in this legal area, and can guide you through this difficult time.